Monday, September 19, 2016

Here's Looking at You, Kid

Awww, crap! It’s [insert day-of-the-week]: I forgot to eat breakfast again, and send that “really” important email. I think I left the laundry in the washer over the weekend (hope the mildew smell hasn’t set in yet), and I can’t remember the last time I went for a run...

BUT, my kids are fed, homework checked, backpacks packed and they got off to school without a hitch. I even have a dinner planned (sort of); I caught up on my work to-dos, and ironed a few shirts (ok, seriously, that’s not a regular thing…I just happened to unpack the iron after 2 years in a “new” house).

We're all busy and we all know it. Some of us thrive on the adrenaline, the fast-pace of it all and even take a little pride in the "oh-so-busy" aspect of our lives. Experts (like this one and this one) say that positive and negative stress can take a toll on our physical and mental well-being. There's even a new specialty emerging called psychodermatology. Yet, many of us still don't take time out for ourselves. 

"Me time." From the media to my mother, I hear about this illusive concept all of the time. I know it's important, and quite possibly necessary, but damn if I can find the time to take a moment for myself. Easier said than done... or is it?

Since HabiDerm's inception, we believe that if we are going to talk the talk, then we'd better walk the walk. Here are a few things we are doing to master "me" time:

From the Inside Out: Your skin is an external barometer of your internal health. The better you take care of yourself on the inside, the better your skin will look and the better you will feel. Try integrating a few of these into your daily diet.

Book 'Em Danno! If you are a planner (like me), book a meeting with yourself. Work up to 30 minutes of "me" time every day. Do something, or nothing, that lets you completely let go and release your mind from the never-ending to-do list. For me, 10 minutes was a challenge, HeadSpace helped me get over that hump.

Create a Daily Ritual. A bath, a walk, a little meditation, whatever works for you and your schedule. (Need some inspiration?) Whatever you do, make it something you will look forward to. My boys are early risers, but I found it was well worth it to get up 45 minutes earlier. I look forward to a cuppa joe solo and the sound of silence... 

Be kind to the skin you're in.      

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