Tuesday, January 23, 2018

What's your word?


Tis the season for New Year’s resolutions!  How many did you make this year?  I, per usual, made several: lose the baby weight (again, 3 years running), eat less candy, cuss less, get back to the gym 3-4/week… There’s more but that’s not the point… really.  

In an effort to make good on at least one of my resolutions, I went to spin class.  As the class got peddling, the instructor Joe asked if anyone had already broken their New Year's resolutions.  "Honest Abi" autopilot kicked in and I involuntarily lowered my head and raised a hand.  I took a peek around the room and saw I stood along in this admission.  

"Already?" boomed over the sound system.

"Well... at least I'm being honest," which was mostly lost in the him of the bikes spinning to nowhere. 

The ride was good. I came home red-faced and exhilarated but Joe's quizzical "already" had already formed an earworm I couldn't shake it.  

The next day, a friend texted me "what's your word?" and a link. 

This link changed my life.
(Yes, a slight over-dramatization, but you get my point).

Freed at last from shackles of the resolutions I was sure to break, my mind raced with one word possibilities. Empower. Focused. Compassion. Balanced. Kind. Determined. Happy.
Happy. Happy  felt good. Happy felt right. 
My word is Happy. I chose “happy” because,  in 2018, I will choose to be happy and not to take on others' stresses or worries. I will have find the "happy" in every day and every one.

It's been 16 days since I scraped the tired, old resolution trap, and I already I feel lighter, less stressed and happier!  (No joke!) 
2018 is your year.
Be you. Your best you.
Own it. Believe it. Do it.

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