Monday, October 17, 2016

Sweating the Small Stuff

From the minute my alarm goes off, my mind races with everything I have to do and still haven’t done. Mondays are the toughest: an impossible game of catch-up. The list just keeps growing.

I find myself repeating "baby steps" under my breath more often than I'd like. But then I caught this clip from SNL.

"Because baby steps" do lead to milestones. 

Size Matters.

The little to-dos are easier to put off but they are just as important as the big ones. Pick 3 small tasks or goals each day from your to-do list (e.g., drink one more glass of water, don't eat Halloween candy for breakfast, call a friend, take the stairs) and check 'em off. 

The small stuff may feel inconsequential, but it leads to the bigger stuff and the sense of accompaniment breeds motivation. Boom!

Intention is Key.

Every intentional act leads to another and creates a positive ripple effect. You make things happen. You are in control.  

Need Inspiration? 

Check out some of these small to-dos, they can some pretty BIG effects: 
- Forks over phones at dinner. 
- No more excuses -> let's do this!
- That's random... and so very cool. 

Be Kind to the Skin You're In.

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