Thursday, October 27, 2016

Just Checking

How many times a day do you check your phone? A few times a day? Every hour? Can’t go more than five minutes? 

You're not alone; most of us are exactly the same way. 

Whether we're shopping, banking, texting or checking email, the weather or the time, it's estimated that Americans check their phones 8 billion times a day.

All this phone time can lead to some not-so-fun stuff like skin break outs, crappy sleep and even poor health(!).  
Germs transfer from surfaces to your hands and fingers to your phone to your face - YUK! - and that can wreak havoc on your skin. With all that phone time, don't forget to clean your machine.

Checking your before bed and keeping it close by as you sleep can not only ruin a good night's sleep but it's now believed to lead to serious sleep problems, including sleep disruption and deprivation. And that can lead to some serious health issues.

Bottom line: give your phone a rest so you can get some too. If not, don't be surprised if this happens! And in between phone checks, don't forget to do this and this!

Be Kind To The Skin You're In. 

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