The promise of pink satin aside, there's something exciting about this time of year -- cooler weather, chic fall fashion, butternut squash everything, and - wait for it - the kids go back to school! Queue up Back to School Again and commence 'happy dance'!
September also brings a sense of routine back to my life… So, as the chaos of summer settles into a brisk pace of productivity, so here’s a quick refresher to kick off the school year:
Wash Your Face Daily. Who doesn’t do this, you ask? Well, sometimes
you are simply too dead-dog tired to do it (I know, I’ve been there)… but,
chances are you have sweat and dirt sitting on your skin, possibly clogging
your pores and breeding bacteria. Try not to wait until after the kids go to bed,
your favorite show is over or after Fido’s last wee-walk; take a few minutes before
the nightly wind down to wash up (even give yourself a mini-facial) before it
gets too late.
Basic Smart Phone Hygiene.
When was the last
time you wiped down your smart phone? If the answer is “never” or “I can’t
remember,” then that’s get to it! Germs transfer from surfaces to your face and
can wreak havoc on your skin. Here’s a simple rule: anything that comes in contact
with your face regularly, should be cleaned regularly (as in weekly) – that
includes cell phones, home phones, and makeup brushes (yes, weekly).
Avoid The Pool of Drool. Hair oils, product, saliva (yep!),
makeup and dirt all end up rubbing off onto your pillow case and back to your
face. Break the cycle and change your pillow cases at least twice a week (and
don’t forget to wash your face!).
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