Saturday, September 10, 2016

Summer Sweet Surrender

I don’t know about you, but I wait for summer as if it were my birthday, Christmas and New Year’s Eve all wrapped up into one… and, what feels like a breath and a blink, like that, it’s Labor Day. I want to make the last days of summer really count, but the heat, sun and fun have taken a toll on my skin, not to mention body and mind: dry, overexposed, and a little tired.

So, for the final days of summer, here are a few tips to keep our skin health (and sanity) in check:

Chill Out! After a day in the sun (at the beach or gardening), take a cool shower. Hot showers can further dry out your skin. Turn down the temp and pick up a few added benefits: a cool shower after excess sweating keeps skin unoccluded, which means less acne breakouts! 

Oh My! What Beautiful Melons You Have! Cantaloupe is the melon of choice for beautiful summer skin. This sweet delicious fruit is rich in antioxidants and delivers a unique hydration to the skin, resulting in a radiant complexion. Eat up! 

Red, Red Wiiiiiiiine. White wine is refreshing when it's warm but red wine is healing (yep, you read that right!). Resveratol, a naturally occurring phenol found in the skin of red grapes, can decrease redness from acute sunburns; it also has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. We suggest you sip not slather it on your skin. Chin chin my friend! 

Zzzs to the H2O.  Nothing can replace a good night sleep and drinking enough water (yep, we said nothing!). Our bodies need 7-8 hours of sleep a night to recoup and rejuvenate and enough water to keep the body working the way it was designed (that's about 8-10 glasses for most of us).  It's never too late to do your body good. 

Be kind to the skin you're in.

Originally posted August 29, 2010 on

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