Thursday, July 13, 2017

It's #NationalFrenchFryDay!

Next to #NationalMargaritaDay, #NationalFrenchFryDay might be my favorite #holiday.

I. Love. Salt. Who doesn't? Sadly, 90% of Americans take in more salt then they need each day, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. The current recommendation is about 2.4 grams of sodium a day, the equivalent of about 1 teaspoon of table salt -- even less if you have high blood pressure or other risk factors. 

I know salt is not good for me but that doesn't stop me from celebrating #holidays and over-indulging from time to time. So when you've taken #NationalFrenchFryDay to the next level, here are a countermeasures to salve the salt-fest: 

HYDRATE: We all know that drinking 8 glasses (+/-) water helps your body function better, but water can help move the salt out of your system faster reducing the bloat and restoring much needed hydration. Drink up!

POTASSIUM: Counter the sodium intake by eating fruits and vegetables – like bananas, potatoes, and leafy greens -- that are rich in potassium and can lower sodium levels naturally

EXERCISE: Get your heart rate pumping for at least 20 minutes (and breaking a sweat) will help move the salt out of your system. Whether you hit the gym or the pavement, getting your body moving is a part of a great defense against salt-induced symptoms.

Be kind to the skin you're in <> Eat salt responsibly and enjoy #NationalFrenchFryDay! 

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