Friday, July 14, 2017

The Social Impact of Perfection

Beautiful, flawless skin. It's everywhere: in the movies, on television and magazines covers, selling products and an image of what life could be like if we just....

The hours of air brushing it takes to manipulate each image (not to mention the behind the scenes personal chefs, trainers, stylists and makeup artists... and the cost) are often overlooked in pursuit of idealized beauty. 

Women hold themselves up to this impossible standard of perfection only to be disappointed, judged, even rejected. 

HabiDerm is a platform designed to connect, comfort, inform, inspire, and improve overall skin health while achieving short- and long-term goals. Our mission is to inspire and empower individuals to realize their own best-self and achieve their personal beauty, health and wellness goals – without heaps of new products or procedures.

At HabiDerm, we put you first, learn your lifestyle and provide "real-time" feedback to help you achieve your "best self" and have fun doing it! Above all else, our goal is to build self-confidence and self-acceptance by improving your overall health and wellness. 
We are asking you to join us to empower your mothers and fathers, your sons and daughters, sisters and brothers and grandmothers and grandfathers to stop looking outside and comparing themselves to an unrealistic standard.

At a time when we are inundated by images of someone’s idea of perfection, we believe our mission is evermore paramount.

On July 11, 2017, we launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to help raise the much needed funds to finish the beta and bring HabiDerm to life. Please help us reach out goal so HabiDerm can become a reality and in your hands this Fall.
Be Kind to the Skin You're In. Learn more, visit us at

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