Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Promises, Promises

Week of September 27th

Can a skin cream really 'lift' and 'firm'?  Do drugstore brands really work? Are the department store products worth it? Should I do Botox, fillers or both? What exactly is luminosity? A cow placenta or snail facial? 

From hope-in-a-jar to blood-sucking procedures, no matter how you are look at it, you won’t reap the benefits unless you do this first: take care of your skin from the inside out.

Your daily habits and activities – from the mundane to the intentional – affect the look and feel of your skin, body and mind. Stress can emerge as dry, red patches and more. Aunt Flo coming to town? She’s bringin’ baggage and not just excess oil, clogged pores and breakouts. Weekend Warriorism (catching up on all the things you didn’t get to during the week) can lead to serious dehydration, not to mention total exhaustion.  

Skin care products and procedures can smooth, soothe and suck “stuff” out but when you start with a healthy skin base, products simply work better.

Taking care of your skin on the inside is actually pretty simple - drink enough water and get enough sleep, and eat a healthy diet (saving the salt and sugar binges and alcohol  for “special” occasions).

With our skin health in-check, let’s talk product! There so many good products on the market, at all price points, that really work – they cleanse, exfoliate, smooth and hydrate your skin and even can plump, shrink, and blur lines. Check out our friend’s best of 2016.   

Be Kind to the Skin You’re In. 

Monday, September 19, 2016

Here's Looking at You, Kid

Awww, crap! It’s [insert day-of-the-week]: I forgot to eat breakfast again, and send that “really” important email. I think I left the laundry in the washer over the weekend (hope the mildew smell hasn’t set in yet), and I can’t remember the last time I went for a run...

BUT, my kids are fed, homework checked, backpacks packed and they got off to school without a hitch. I even have a dinner planned (sort of); I caught up on my work to-dos, and ironed a few shirts (ok, seriously, that’s not a regular thing…I just happened to unpack the iron after 2 years in a “new” house).

We're all busy and we all know it. Some of us thrive on the adrenaline, the fast-pace of it all and even take a little pride in the "oh-so-busy" aspect of our lives. Experts (like this one and this one) say that positive and negative stress can take a toll on our physical and mental well-being. There's even a new specialty emerging called psychodermatology. Yet, many of us still don't take time out for ourselves. 

"Me time." From the media to my mother, I hear about this illusive concept all of the time. I know it's important, and quite possibly necessary, but damn if I can find the time to take a moment for myself. Easier said than done... or is it?

Since HabiDerm's inception, we believe that if we are going to talk the talk, then we'd better walk the walk. Here are a few things we are doing to master "me" time:

From the Inside Out: Your skin is an external barometer of your internal health. The better you take care of yourself on the inside, the better your skin will look and the better you will feel. Try integrating a few of these into your daily diet.

Book 'Em Danno! If you are a planner (like me), book a meeting with yourself. Work up to 30 minutes of "me" time every day. Do something, or nothing, that lets you completely let go and release your mind from the never-ending to-do list. For me, 10 minutes was a challenge, HeadSpace helped me get over that hump.

Create a Daily Ritual. A bath, a walk, a little meditation, whatever works for you and your schedule. (Need some inspiration?) Whatever you do, make it something you will look forward to. My boys are early risers, but I found it was well worth it to get up 45 minutes earlier. I look forward to a cuppa joe solo and the sound of silence... 

Be kind to the skin you're in.      

Monday, September 12, 2016

Salt Lovers: Feast Your Eyes On This

Love it or hate it…it’s here. Football. From pee-wee to the pros – 'tis the season of foliage and football, and that means one more thing: Salt.

Ok, a little context: I grew up in Texas, and football was more than a sport, not quite a religion, and most definitely a social event. Chips, dips and trips to the salty spread dot my football experience. Everything from queso-dipped chips to salt-rimmed margaritas meant the next day (or two) was going to be rough and puffed. 

Knowing what was (and is) at stake, I have yet to say “no” to a queso… but now I have a few plays to counter the influx of salt:  

MAKING THE CUT. Advanced game-planning for the smorgasbord is key to a great defense.  In anticipation of the sea of salty snacks, try cutting back on the salt intake a few days before the game. Try snacking on fresh fruits and vegetables and skip the salt sprinkle at mealtime.

THE SPACER. Possibly this season’s MVP, whatever you bevy of choice, alternate with a glass of water throughout the game. We all know that drinking 8 glasses (+/-) water helps your body function better, but water can help move the salt out of your system faster reducing the bloat and restoring much needed hydration.

THIS IS BANANAS. Going overboard at the buffet, doesn’t mean you’ve lost the game. Post-game maneuver -> counter the sodium intake by eating fruits and vegetables – like bananas, potatoes, and leafy greens -- that are rich in potassium and can lower sodium levels naturally.

GAME OVER? MOVE ON! Win or lose, getting your body moving is a part of a great defense against salt-induced symptoms. Whether you hit the gym or the pavement, getting your heartrate pumping for at least 20 minutes (and breaking a sweat) will help move the salt out of your system.  Be careful not to overdo it, and listen to your body. Bonus: you'll definitely feel better!  

Be kind to the skin you're in.

Like what you see? Visit us at habiderm.com.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Like the Pink Ladies, We Got This.

The promise of pink satin aside, there's something exciting about this time of year -- cooler weather, chic fall fashion, butternut squash everything, and - wait for it - the kids go back to school!  Queue up Back to School Again and commence 'happy dance'!

September also brings a sense of routine back to my life… So, as the chaos of summer settles into a brisk pace of productivity, so here’s a quick refresher to kick off the school year: 

Wash Your Face Daily.  Who doesn’t do this, you ask? Well, sometimes you are simply too dead-dog tired to do it (I know, I’ve been there)… but, chances are you have sweat and dirt sitting on your skin, possibly clogging your pores and breeding bacteria. Try not to wait until after the kids go to bed, your favorite show is over or after Fido’s last wee-walk; take a few minutes before the nightly wind down to wash up (even give yourself a mini-facial) before it gets too late.

·         Basic Smart Phone Hygiene. When was the last time you wiped down your smart phone? If the answer is “never” or “I can’t remember,” then that’s get to it! Germs transfer from surfaces to your face and can wreak havoc on your skin. Here’s a simple rule: anything that comes in contact with your face regularly, should be cleaned regularly (as in weekly) – that includes cell phones, home phones, and makeup brushes (yes, weekly).

·         Avoid The Pool of Drool.  Hair oils, product, saliva (yep!), makeup and dirt all end up rubbing off onto your pillow case and back to your face. Break the cycle and change your pillow cases at least twice a week (and don’t forget to wash your face!).

Don’t be a beauty school drop-out,

Summer Sweet Surrender

I don’t know about you, but I wait for summer as if it were my birthday, Christmas and New Year’s Eve all wrapped up into one… and, what feels like a breath and a blink, like that, it’s Labor Day. I want to make the last days of summer really count, but the heat, sun and fun have taken a toll on my skin, not to mention body and mind: dry, overexposed, and a little tired.

So, for the final days of summer, here are a few tips to keep our skin health (and sanity) in check:

Chill Out! After a day in the sun (at the beach or gardening), take a cool shower. Hot showers can further dry out your skin. Turn down the temp and pick up a few added benefits: a cool shower after excess sweating keeps skin unoccluded, which means less acne breakouts! 

Oh My! What Beautiful Melons You Have! Cantaloupe is the melon of choice for beautiful summer skin. This sweet delicious fruit is rich in antioxidants and delivers a unique hydration to the skin, resulting in a radiant complexion. Eat up! 

Red, Red Wiiiiiiiine. White wine is refreshing when it's warm but red wine is healing (yep, you read that right!). Resveratol, a naturally occurring phenol found in the skin of red grapes, can decrease redness from acute sunburns; it also has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. We suggest you sip not slather it on your skin. Chin chin my friend! 

Zzzs to the H2O.  Nothing can replace a good night sleep and drinking enough water (yep, we said nothing!). Our bodies need 7-8 hours of sleep a night to recoup and rejuvenate and enough water to keep the body working the way it was designed (that's about 8-10 glasses for most of us).  It's never too late to do your body good. 

Be kind to the skin you're in.

Originally posted August 29, 2010 on habiderm.com